
Education is a never-ending source of knowledge.

Benefit of Activities in School

Students can explore their interests through extracurricular activities, meet new people, and develop new skills. Additionally, they can help students in developing their self-esteem and time and resource management skills. Success in school and in life can be attained by utilizing all of these advantages. Sports and other extracurricular activities can teach children the value of cooperation and working as a team. Other people, such as clubs and organizations, can assist kids in gaining leadership abilities. Whatever the extracurricular activity, involvement can aid children in learning more about themselves and the world around them.

Art and Science

It's possible that some kids' homes lack the resources or opportunities for creative endeavors. All children have the opportunity to develop their imaginations, as well as their cognitive and problem-solving abilities, by participating in art education in the school system. The next step is for them to consider how they will actually bring their imagined masterpieces to life.

Sport & Activities

Green New Generation School focuses on taking care of the Natural environment Because it fosters play—a crucial component of learning that stimulates physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development, especially in childhood—contact with nature promotes positive connections and collaboration.

Nature & Environment

Sport and activities have positive impact on students. Children can learn morality, ethics, accountability, and trust through sports. A person who has a spirit of sportsmanship can handle all the ups and downs of life more gracefully. They will be more inclined to resist social injustices since they will possess positive ideals and an optimistic mindset.